Our Mission
We work together to build families, to perfect the saints in love, and to evangelize the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ according to Apostles’ Doctrine.
“Who wouldn’t serve a God like this?”
“I’m nothing but dust and ashes.”
“If you live right, the Lord will bless you.”
“We are looking out for you, and you can depend on us.”
“The Way to Go is the way you know.”
“Everybody looks like they have the glad glads.”
“Hear what the bible says; Believe what the bible says; Do what the bible says.”
“Pretty Good is Hard to Beat.”
“If the Lord would enter the building tonight, everyone would know what side they are supposed to go on Left or Right.”
Zoom Prayer Conference 8:30 am Daily
Dial one of the following numbers to join by phone
+1 305-224-1968 US +1 309-205-3325 US
Meeting ID: 285 635 0634
Passcode: 951398